Greenscreen studio - for rent Black box - for rent Radio/audio studio - for rent Art production |
VR/MR Reality 360° video 4K video production |
Multilab studio, unlimited range of possibilities on many levels. In this space we can meet the work of students with digital media that are on the edge of technological inventions as well as production and commercial projects in the context of cooperation with external companies. In all aspects, we pay attention to the basic principle of artistic creation, the idea of the author, the need to educate, to find the art instead of life, and to try to provoke the provocative form of the audience to the free thinking that is aggressively confronted in the present world.
Experimental videomapping inspired by Baroque, Braun´s sculptures, atmosphere and our creativity.
Location: Valeč Castle
Do your best, make different. Our self promotion shortcut of best works what we did.
Nová expozice lapidária barokních soch M. B. Brauna na zámku Valeč. Vizuální koncept a realizace made by Multilab
Pátý ročník festivalu světla Blik Blik 2019 se vrací do centra města Plzeň. Mezi 13 ohromujicích instalací od umělců z česka, německa, británie, francie, maďarska a indie, Vám také ukáže instalaci/mapping vytvořenomu MULTILAB studiem. Původní velkoplošná animace využívá estetiky starých videopásek a PC her z let, kdy létaly první rakety k Měsíci, naši tátové hráli Space Invaders na Nortonu a David Bowie spadl na Zemi.